Sunday, June 19, 2011

IT'S A .....


WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!  

YES! YES!  That is right! We are having a wonderful little girl!  So I'll admit... I was trying REALLY hard to be excited about the possibility of having a little boy, but deep down I wanted a little girl - REALLY BAD.  If you know me, you understand why...  I'm soo excited about being able to dress her in cute little hats and headbands with flowers, feathers, rhinestones, glitter and all of the other wonderful little girly accessories that they have nowadays!  I just can't wait!

So a little bit about our big sonogram...

The days leading up to our sonogram were filled with excitement and bets.  Everyone was betting that we were going to have a little boy (well, everyone except my mom).  Of course, every person I spoke to had a different "scientific" reason for explaining why I was going to have a little boy.  Reason (1) - The way I am carrying the baby.  Reason (2) - My morning sickness wasn't THAT bad.  Reason (3) - My progesterone levels were low during the first trimester.  Reason (4) - My friend is having a girl, so I must be having the boy. Reason (5) - The pencil hanging from the string predicted that I was having a boy.  With all of these reasons, how could I possibly be having a girl?

I was fortunate that my mom, sister and Landon came with me to the big sonogram.  That morning, I was sure to have a cup of coffee so that we would have a "show".  With my luck, the baby was going to be asleep with its legs crossed.  I didn't want that to happen, so I "caffeined" up.  

When we got to the doctor's office, we're were all giddy and full of excitement.  The sonogram technician started by checking all of the vitals, like the baby’s heartbeat.  Then, she checked to make sure that it had two arms/hands, 2 legs/feet and 10 toes and fingers.  Once she was comfortable that everything was normal, she said “and now for the gender part…”  Cricket… cricket… cricket… I think everyone in the room held their breath.  No one dared to make a sound.  And finally, on the screen was the money shot.  We could tell that we were looking in between the baby’s legs, and I SWEAR I saw two little balls.  Yep, I whispered “it’s a boy…”, and the technician smiled and said “Actually, it’s a little girl”. 

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!  The room erupted in cheers! I’m pretty sure I did a little fist pump – Jersey style, and then I looked over to Landon.  He was still staring at the screen – dumbfounded.  I’m pretty sure that he did not let out a little cheer, but secretly I think I saw his eyes well up – just a tad. 

Anyway, everyone was very excited about the news.  The Harrington group is old pros at this girl thing… But the Ross group will be introducing the first girl into its all-boy club.  Watch out!  Hahaha…

Here are a few pics of the baby …  

 It's a GIRL!!


Leg w/ Foot and Knee 

Arm with her little fist and elbow 

This was her two little feet together. 

 Another profile with her booty in the air.

AND... Here's the video of the sonogram!!  ENJOY!!